Understanding Prostate Disease?

The prostate gland can occur within the male genital system about the dimensions of the nut. It is located below the bladder in front of the rectum around the urethra. The main function of the prostate is the supply and storage of sperm. There are three common prostate diseases: Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH), Prostatitis and Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate.

Prostate Disease
Prostate Disease

Who is at risk for prostatic adenocarcinoma

The chance of prostate adenocarcinoma increases with age. 70% of all the cases are diagnosed in men over 65 years of age. African Americans have the best incidence of prostate adenocarcinoma within the world. The disease is widespread in North America and Europe but rare throughout Asia. Recent genetic studies suggest that family instincts can play a role in 5-10% of all prostate cancers.

Identifying symptoms

The following symptoms may indicate the prostate health problem:

Frequent urination throughout the night

Inability to urinate

Burning during urination

Hard to get up

Blood inside urine or semen

Painful ejaculation

If anyone has any of the above symptoms then consult a doctor. These symptoms may be related to BPH, prostate, prostate adenocarcinoma or other urinary diseases.

What is PSA

PSA ( prostate-specific antigen) can be a protein present in the blood that sometimes increases with the onset of prostate adenocarcinoma. PSA is one of the most important diagnostic tools for the first detection and monitoring of prostate adenocarcinoma. A person with a healthy prostate usually has a PSA of 4.0 though this varies with the age. SAP normally increases with age. However, even if your PSA value is high it doesn't mean that you simply have cancer which needs further testing. PSA is a powerful tool for monitoring treatment protocols and consequently for cancer development.

Rating: Gleason's rating

Cancer is evaluated using the result of Gleason a system based on an architectural model of prostate tumour glands. He appreciates how the cells of a particular cancer are ready to structure themselves into glands similar to the traditional prostate. Gleason score varied from 1-5 for each of the 2 largest areas of biopsy defined prostate adenocarcinoma. A ranking of 1 represents the lowest offensive amount and 5 is the most aggressive the fastest growing.

Prostate Disease
Prostate Disease

Treatment options

The treatment of prostate cancer varies depending on the degree of cancer and consequently the patient's health and age. The first choice includes external beam radiation, radioactive implants (brachytherapy), hormone therapy, radical prostatectomy, and surgery. Careful weighing (without treatment) is also a valuable option if other treatments are not appropriate. This course of action should include lifestyle changes and will always be monitored by a physician.

Prostate Cancer: What Are The Risks?

Prostate cancer is the second major explanation for cancer deaths in American men. Approximately 189,000 new cases of prostate adenocarcinoma will be diagnosed in the US during 2002. On average an American male has a 30% risk of developing prostate adenocarcinoma and a third chance of dying from it.

Dietary factors

Evidence suggests that the fat-rich diet may increase the risk of prostate adenocarcinoma, while diets rich in fruits and vegetables and low in animal fats may help reduce the risk.

Early detection test

Deaths due to prostate adenocarcinoma are often significantly reduced through routine medical examinations. The inclusion of a DRE (digital rectum examination) and a mild biopsy for PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in a routine physical examination increases the likelihood of early screening. Routine testing should start at age 40 and earlier if you have a case history of prostate carcinoma.


If your doctor suspects cancer from a PSA or DRE test he or she is likely to recommend a biopsy. The biopsy may involve getting some tissue sections from your prostate. The procedure involves inserting a fine hollow needle into the prostate into the rectum. If the biopsy is positive for cancer the doctor will determine the aggression by grading and staging.


Staging can determine how much cancer has spread. Imaging is determined using techniques such as ultrasound, bone scanning, computed tomography (CT) and resonance imaging or (MRI). Knowing the stages of cancer is important for making informed decisions about which treatment to use. Doctors place cancer within systems A, B, C, D systems T, N, and M. The most important current system used today is the T system: (T): tumour size and site (N): lymph node involvement (M)): metastasis.

If diagnosed, what are you capable of

Always get a second opinion.

Stay informed and ask questions.

Ask your doctor about all possible treatment options.

Prostate Disease
Prostate Disease

Include a healthy diet, nutritional supplements, exercise and stress management in your health regimen. These methods have been proven to enhance outcomes for patients with prostatic adenocarcinoma.

Treat not only the prostate but the entire body. Seek support from friends and family and consider an integrated approach that incorporates traditional and complementary approaches.


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